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Every Christian is a missionary. 


It’s one of our core values at Friends Network, and we sincerely believe it. Whether we go to international mission fields, go to our neighbor next door, or send missionaries overseas and support their organizations, we all have a role in Great Commission work. 

Host a speaker

Our staff and alumni love to share stories about what God is doing around the world. One of the best ways for you to support our mission is to extend an invitation for us to speak at your church, school, LWMS rally, Bible study, or ministry event. Face-to-face presentations are one of the best ways for us to raise awareness, prayer support, and financial support. We would love to visit!


Contact us for more details and to inquire about availability.

Cross-cultural outreach training

From time to time we are approached by people who have participated in our missionary training and they ask whether we could offer some of that same training to local churches or schools who want to do more outreach in their communities. In response to these requests we have developed a series of interactive training sessions designed to encourage and equip Christians for domestic outreach. 


If you would like to serve as a missionary in your own community, these training sessions are a great place to start. The seminars usually take place over a weekend and involve a mix of classroom time and cultural immersion experiences in the local community. 


Here’s what one participant had to say after spending a weekend in our training seminar: “I couldn’t believe how little I knew about my diverse neighborhood, and how enjoyable it was to get to know my neighbors.  This was way easier and more fun than I imagined.”


Contact us to learn more!

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We would not be able to do what we do without faithful prayer partners and donors walking alongside us. You are essential! God has given each of us the opportunity to support missions by offerings our gifts and prayers. Would you consider serving Friends Network in this way?


You can find some more options and details on our Support page. In addition, it’s helpful for you to be on our mailing list so you will always know our most current prayer requests and financial needs. You can sign up here.


“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.”


Friends Network has sent over 340 missionaries overseas since the year 2000. These wonderful people have come from a variety of professional backgrounds, careers, and vocations. Many are recent college graduates, others are second-career adults, and still others are semi-retired adults or recent retirees. As members of the Christian church, one of the most important things we can do is to encourage and equip the next generation of missionaries who will follow in their footsteps. 


Do you know anyone with a servant heart and an adventurous spirit who might be a good candidate for Friends Network? Please recommend them! We would love to have a conversation. 


If you’d like to learn more about what it means to serve as a missionary with Friends Network, please visit our Serve Overseas page.

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