Happy New Year!
The fabric of our lives
High highs and low lows
“Thus far…”
The joy of small talk
Unique opportunity
Friends Network featured on podcast
Please join us!
‘Tis the (support raising) season!
Going Fishing
Gaining “access” to a new community
Christmas celebrations!
Jesus in a Trench
Women gather for workshop and fellowship
He works through me
A teacher's favorite question
Working the Soil
New offices for FN headquarters!
The “Network” in Friends Network
Friendraiser 2022
Creating opportunities
Keep doing what you did!
Rising out of challenging times
Assisting international students
More than she bargained for!
Making friends through language learning
I love to tell the story...
Let's be friends
"Thank the Lord!"
In ALL things...
Virus Relief - Activities have been disrupted, but God works through that, too
Thank you alumni! - There are so many "ripple effects" that the alumni aren't even aware of.
Gifts - Sharing the greatest gift of all