We envision...
A global network of believers passionate about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, united by shared values, and dedicated to a common mission: building eternal friendships. To accomplish this mission, our member missionaries are actively and meaningfully engaged in their cultures and communities, establishing authentic friendships, and sharing the Gospel wherever God gives opportunity.
So that...
God is glorified, His Kingdom expands, and all those involved grow closer to Jesus in their daily lives.
If that sounds like something you’d like to be a part of, read on…
General Information
As a member missionary for Friends Network, you will have the opportunity to live overseas and build eternal friendships through various mission and outreach activities. Some of our missionaries partner with local churches, some do youth ministry, some reach out through English teaching, and some lead Bible studies in their homes. God works powerfully through relationships, and the possibilities for service and outreach are endless.
New member missionaries will work with FN representatives to determine their field of service after their application, interviews, and initial assessments are complete. These mutual decisions are made according to the needs of the field and considering the strengths and experiences of the applicant.
As a part of Friends Network, missionaries work alongside supportive teams and local churches in carrying out their localized mission activities.
For a complete list of qualifications, and for more information on missionary eligibility, please visit our FAQ page.
Member Benefits
Friends Network provides these benefits to each of its members:
Extensive pre-field training
Connections and relationships to national partners in each of our fields of service
Logistical support and guidance while serving in the field
Overseas health insurance and liability insurance
Annual missions retreat and ongoing professional growth opportunities
Financial assistance for special circumstances
Support raising resources, administration, and coaching
Tax education and resources
Student loan counseling
TEFL certification
Counseling and mentorship services

Friends Network missionaries are responsible for their own expenses while serving in the mission field. FN staff works with each candidate on their individual financial profile and counsels them through the process of drafting their expense budgets and assessing their funding options.
Funding methods vary:
The majority of our missionaries raise their own financial support and are either partially or fully funded by their personal support networks. (More information on this process can be found on our FAQ page.) We realize support raising may be a daunting idea at first! Nevertheless, this usually becomes our missionaries’ preferred funding method.
In other cases, our missionaries serve as “tent ministers” and earn a living wage either from local employment (like teaching) or freelance work.
Sometimes a missionary may choose to self-fund their work. This is most common for individuals who have savings or pension funds available, or for semi-retired individuals.
In many cases, a missionary’s financial support might come from a combination of sources listed above.
As a Friends Network missionary, you will be asked to:
1. Share our core values:
We believe that salvation is found in Jesus Christ, who came for all people
We believe all Christians are called to be missionaries
We seek the Lord’s will in all circumstances
We are relationally oriented
We are culturally engaged
We love and care for our team
We collaborate with ministry partners for the sake of God’s kingdom
2. Commit to faithfully and diligently carrying out ministry activities by meaningfully engaging in your local culture and community, establishing authentic friendships, and sharing the Gospel wherever God gives opportunity.
3. Submit a formal application and participate in a series of interviews and evaluations. This process helps us assess each candidate’s readiness in the areas of spiritual, emotional, physical, and financial health.
4. Attend a mandatory two-week, pre-field orientation in St Paul, MN.
5. Commit to a minimum of two years in your field of service.
6. Maintain a regular relationship with Friends Network ministry leaders for encouragement, accountability, nourishment, and counsel.
7. Participate in support raising efforts for our overall mission. This could include giving presentations at churches and schools while on furlough, sharing stories and pictures, creating videos, or writing blog posts.
A full list of responsibilities is included in a “Memorandum of Understanding” that is signed by both parties prior to deployment.
What next?
You probably have more questions than answers, and we’re happy to help. Start by reading through our Frequently Asked Questions here.
1: Pray! Ask for God’s guidance as you explore opportunities to serve Him. Pray for our missionaries, and for those we seek to reach.
2: Fill out the Contact Us form. We’ll collect some basic information from you and then contact you to set up a time to chat. This first conversation is informal, but it is usually very helpful for us to get to know you a little bit and answer any questions that you may have.
3: Complete a formal application and a series of interviews with our ministry representatives.