Engaging in culture
Goal of raising full mission support
Building eternal
Getting to live life every day with the sole purpose of spreading the Gospel is incredibly rewarding and fulfilling. Through being a part of Friends Network, we get to see firsthand the generosity, love, and support from God's people around the world. Better yet, we get front-row seats to the Holy Spirit lighting fires of faith in the hearts of friends we care deeply about.
Being an evangelist overseas has opened our minds and our hearts to experiencing and embracing other cultures in the hopes that they will be in Heaven with us. God created and loves all people, and He wants all people to be saved, just as we should. Serving with Friends Network also realigned our priorities. When we hear friends praying things like "Thank you for giving me the peace I have been searching for my whole life," it shows us that nothing in this world is as important as the Salvation we have in Christ.
We ask that you keep us in your prayers that our transition from Southwest Michigan to Southeast Asia goes smoothly. Please pray that the Lord blesses the ministries and people we are leaving behind, and please pray that our new ministry overseas is fruitful. We also ask that you keep our friends we made in Wuhan in your prayers, that they remember the Word we studied with them and keep it near and dear to their hearts.